abrahim, Author at Clipping Path Graphics | Page 6 of 12

How To Fix An Overexposed Photo In Photoshop?

Overexposed photos are a curse for photographers and their hard work because it is tough to find out this issue until you look at them on a big screen. Before going into today’s tutorial about how to fix an overexposed photo in photoshop, we need to understand the issue.  Why are my photos overexposed? Overexposed

How To Flatten Layers In Photoshop?

If you are a photoshop expert then you might have heard about flattening layers in photoshop. If you ever wondered what it is and how to flatten layers in photoshop then read the article carefully.  Well, Photoshop layers are an incredible help while editing images. You may make as many layers as you like for

How To Trace Over A Picture In Photoshop

Are you looking for a perfect Photoshop tutorial to learn how to trace over a picture in photoshop? Then read through the article, and I bet you will become a pro at doing this. Why would you need to trace over an image? Well, tracing over a photo, shape, or line helps you have complete

How To Curve An Image In Photoshop

Photoshop is one of the blessing innovations for us. It gives us various scopes to modify images in thousands of ways, and now we will learn how to carve an image in Photoshop. This unique process can help you achieve a warp appearance in your photo. There are many tools to curve a shot or

How To Exit 3d Mode Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop CC is mostly known for professional image editing and graphical content creating tools. If it is for creating creative graphical content, this is an industry-leading software ever made. Nowadays, It is becoming more popular for its 3D mode feature. And with this popular feature, a question is getting even more popular among beginners

Professional Headshot Background Ideas

Nowadays, people are concerned about their headshot photography and its background. With professional headshot background ideas, you could create fantastic photos. These could give you great results, which makes the client happier. In the following article, we will talk about it in detail. Professional headshot has become one of the most talked-about topics. Because corporate