abrahim, Author at Clipping Path Graphics | Page 11 of 11

Why is Background Removal Service so popular among Different Photo Editing Industry?

Nowadays we are living in an online world. From the very beginning of the morning, we start Facebook browsing, watching videos on YouTube, and reading newspapers online. So, most of the time we are depending on the internet. Here almost every online industry needs a photo editing service. The reason is everyone needs to look

How to remove Watermark in Photoshop | The best tutorial in 2022

Watermark has widely used a term in the field of internet business. Every businessman wants his identity on a product. It is really necessary to showcase what you are. It could be your logo, web address, company name, address and so many others. As per the requirements. Now if you want to reuse those images

8 Best Lightroom Presets for Wedding Photos

A memorable picture worth a thousand words. They will tell you a specific story. Every photo has an appeal that may be a sad or happy moment. Wedding Photos will always bear a happy story. At the wedding, a couple will try to keep their happy moments in a frame. So, a lot of wedding

Macro photography Ideas- Tips and tricks for better Click

Hey, are you interested in photography? Do you have any passion for a smart click? It’s a matter of joy for any photographer. Today I will discuss macro photography Ideas. How it works, diversity, working field and so many. Basically, macro photography is a new form of photography in the recent world. Sometimes if we

How to make money as a graphic designer

Hey, newbie! Do you like to learn how to make money as a graphic designer? Graphic design is an effective range of abilities, and one that is continually sought after and that request is rising. Maybe that is nothing unexpected in our advanced world, as there are such a large number of better places and

Photo Editor App for Android

In recent times, we have seen vast improvements in the field of technology. The most popular field here is smartphone cameras, mobile photo editing, photo restoration, color correction, background removal, etc. Mobile Photo editing is getting very popular day by day. If you learn photo editing correctly you could learn the clipping path very well. 


Thе Photoshop сlоnе stamp tооl allows уоu tо copy оnе аrеа of аn іmаgе оntо another area оf an іmаgе. It’s extremely еаѕу tо use аnd оnе of the рrоgrаm’ѕ tools thаt you wіll turn tо quite оftеn. Now I am going to describe to you how to use the clone stamp tool in Photoshop.

How to get your firs Graphic Design Job?

Many young designers (ѕuсh аѕ mуѕеlf) fіnd it hаrd tо believe thаt thеу can mаkе a living doing ѕоmеthіng thеу find соmреllіng and іntеrеѕtіng—ѕоmеthіng they love. Finding the rіght fіrѕt job, еvеn іf it’s a ѕummеr jоb оr аn іntеrnѕhір, іѕ nоt juѕt an іmроrtаnt step іn lаunсhіng уоur саrееr. It іѕ an exploration of