What is Clipping Path? Describe it in details

From the very basic definition of clipping path, we know that “A clipping path (or “deep etch”) is formally known as a closed vector path, or shape, used to cut out a 2D image in any image editing software. Anything inside the path will be included after the clipping path is applied; anything outside the path will be omitted from the original output.” Basically, it is a well-known image editing service that is used for changing a small portion of an image.
This technique is vastly popular all over the world. Almost every online businessman in the era of the internet world needs these services. Clipping path service is a well-known image editing technique for eCommerce business owners. By using this technique very easily we can enhance change the small portion of any image, change the color, background, shape, logo, shadow, and almost everything in a single image.
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What is the image editing service?
By the definition, we know that “Image editing is the process of digitally enhancing photographs which is using software tools with the expertise of experienced digital artists. Photo editing may be used to enhance past old photographs, create stunning product images, portfolio shoots, and many other uses.”
Difference between image editing service and clipping path service
Image editing service & clipping path service are almost the same things and clipping path service is a special kind of image editing service. Which is a close vector path and is used for making changes with the small portion of any image. Mostly it is done by Photoshop pen tool. Photoshop designers use the pen tool and they make a path for every single object. By using the path you can change every single portion of your image. After photo-shoot when the users or business owners will upload photos into the money site they need a photo editing service. Then they need background removal service, photo retouching service, image masking service, raster to vector conversion and so many. Sometimes they need to drop shadow and natural shadow to look extremely good in their photos. Drop shadow will help you to look good and extremely natural in your product photos. The main difference between image editing services & clipping path services is making a path for every image is necessary for the clipping path, on the other hand, it is not necessary for other different image editing services.
What is the clipping path in Photoshop?
By using, Photoshop the users can create a vector shape using paths, tracing over the top of a photograph. Now, save the file so that only the part of the image contained within the path will appear in your layout program (InDesign or Quark). These vector paths are generally called clipping paths. Most of the time we do the clipping path work by using the Photoshop pen tool. It is basically done as per the client’s instructions and requirements.
Creating a clipping path is easy when you have a good path. Just follow these steps:
- You need to use the Pen tool to create a path around the given image area that will become the silhouette.
- From the Paths panel, choose Save Path from the panel menu (click the triangle in the upper right corner of the panel) your next duty is to name the path. If Save Path is not visible to you, the path has already been saved; skip to Step 3.
- From the exact panel menu, choose Clipping Path.
- From the Clipping Paths dialog box, choose your path from the drop-down list, if it’s not already selected; click OK.
- Flatness Device Pixels text field should be blank unless you need to change it. It determines how many device pixels are used to create your silhouette. The higher the amount, the fewer points are created, thereby allowing for quicker processing time. This speed comes at a cost, though: Now, Set the flatness value too high and you may see (if you look close) straight edges instead of curved edges.
- Choose File→ Save As and, in the Format drop-down list, select Photoshop EPS; in the EPS Options dialog box that appears, accept the defaults and click OK.
- Now if you find PostScript errors when printing, please choose Clipping Path from the panel menu and increase the value to 2 pixels in the Flatness Device Pixels text field. Keep returning to this text field and increasing the value until the file prints, or give up and try printing your document on a new printer.
Types of clipping path service
There are varieties of types of clipping path services are available in the photo editing industry. Let me show you the most common names in this field.
- Basic Clipping path
- Simple Clipping path
- Compound Clipping path Service
- Complex clipping path service
- Super complex clipping path service
Let me describe them in detail.
Basic Clipping Path
Designers start to learn clipping by practicing basic clipping path objects. It is a really easy process and needs relatively less time to complete the clipping task than any compound or complex clipping path service. Here the very basic task is to remove the background of the image or make some color corrections like trying to make the product more shining than the previous time.
Simple Clipping Path Service
Figure: Simple Clipping Path Service
It is the very first step of the clipping path. In this part here price range is relatively low and it needs less time to do the clipping. In this case, we do the clipping within a limited period of time. But all over the world, the demand for a simple clipping path is relatively high. Clipping Path Graphics is a well-known clipping path service provider company from all over the world. We provide outsourced image editing services for big companies at a flexible rate.
Have a look at this picture it looks relatively simple than any other images online. It will take relatively less time than others.
Compound Clipping Path Service
It is relatively tough than any other clipping path technique. Takes a little bit more time to complete than others. In Photoshop it may need a number of layers to complete the path for the image.
It is a big image and has several parts to go for the clipping. Bicycle, jar fruit, different parts of the cycle, and so on. You need to do clipping for every single part of it. It is quite difficult and time taking too. The price range of the compound clipping path has started from $3 to$7.
It may vary towards the object. If the given object is a little bit hard then you can go for a little bit high priced. We, Clipping Path Graphics have a strong team and they are able to edit almost 3K images per day. We can edit simple, complex, compound & any kind of image. Just visit our site and you can go for a free trial. Especially Just check our ability on how we can help you in the context of image editing service.
Complex clipping path service
It is one of the hardest clipping path services from the list. Need a lot of time to complete the full path & the price range is relatively high than others. It could be a picture of ring, ornaments, bicycle, umbrella and so many. Normally for a complex clipping path, we charge it like $3 to$7. So It actually depends on the image like how hard it is and what time does it take to complete the task? If you have any queries just go for a free trial on our site clippingpathgraphics.com
From the above picture, we have seen that it shows a bicycle and it has so many parts. We will clip every single part of this image and certainly, it will use as your wish.
Super Complex Clipping Path Service
So it is one of the hardest clipping path techniques from the above. It takes a lot of time to complete the clipping for a single image and the price range will be higher than any other clipping path service. It may cost almost $7 to $10 per image for clipping, color correction, making service and so many.
We have a team of almost 20 professionals and they are capable of editing almost 3k images in a single day. If we talk about super complex clipping path service then we must say about jewelry ornaments. Its price range is relatively high and took a lot of time to complete the clipping task. Mostly a jewelry item needs color correction service, background removal, and sometimes Image masking service.
How we can help you from the perspective of CP Service?
So C. Path is one of the most necessary image editing services around the world. Online business owners need this service almost every day. We from the C. Path Graphics like to say you are sheer determined to our jobs. Here I am describing some of our best criteria which will attract you to have a deal with us.
- 24/7 Customer support
- Never compromise with the quality of the image.
- We will try our level best to meet the client’s deadline.
- Quick time delivery
- Fast turnaround time
- If an emergency is needed we can deliver you the image in a short time.
- Maintain the agreement which is done by the clients.
- Relatively low price than the market
- As per request, we can recheck the product quality.
Future of CP Service and Clipping Business
From my Photo editing service is a big industry now. Almost every day this industry is increasing at a higher rate. Online magazine, newspaper, festoon, gallery, eCommerce site needs image editing or clipping path service. Now the time has changed and everyone wants to look well online. Like to showcase their best product in a smart way. So, an image editing service is a must necessary issue here. For an online magazine, you must need color correction and image masking service.
The reason is your model needs to look good on the front page of the magazine. Skin needs to look soft and shiny. The necessary part here is hair masking. It is quite a difficult task but it needs to be done accurately. Also, you need to replace the perfect background for the cover photo or front page design.
From my five years of experience, I can say that the future of Clipping Path Business is much more secure than the previous time. Now the Pho editing industry is big.
A lot of new companies have come into this sector yes it is true but the working opportunities are increasing twice speed. Every day almost hundreds of new online newspapers, magazines, eCommerce sites launch their business. As a result, they need hundreds and thousands of image editing experts to meet industry demand.
If I speak from a true point of view the number of experts is less than the demand. So, I think it is really good news for the newbie who wants to perform in this image editing industry. My personal suggestion is to do a lot of practice, grow your skill high and make yourself fully fit for this path industry. I strongly believe that if you work hard you will be able to grow an interesting carrier.
Final few words
From this description, we try to give you a detailed description of the topics? I hope it will be really helpful to you. So if you like our article please give us your precious opinion by comment. Thanks a lot.